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Table 1 Reasons for unscheduled return and definitions

From: Unscheduled return visits to a Dutch inner-city emergency department



Physician-related return


 No painkillers prescribed

The disease or injury warranted pain medication but no prescription was given. The patient returned primarily because of continued pain

 Treatment error

The physician made the right diagnosis during the initial visit, but made an error in treatment


Medical record review reveals a diagnosis or problem missed by the physician who saw the patient on the initial visit

Patient-related return


 Left against medical advice

The patient was seen by a physician and left the ED against medical advice


There is evidence in the medical records that the patient did not follow instructions

 Psychiatric disorder and/or substance abuse

The patient has a psychiatric disorder and/or uses drugs or alcohol, which causes him/her to repeatedly visit the ED for the same or similar problems. Mentally, the patient is in a chronic stable state

 Left without being seen

The patient was registered in the ED but left before being seen by a physician

 Patient was instructed to visit own GP

The patient was instructed to return to the GP for re-evaluation but did not go

 Worrying about health

The patient's anxiety caused him/her to return to the ED for the same or similar problem. No ancillary diagnostics were performed and medical management consisted of reassurance only

Illness-related return


 Recurrent disease process

The patient has a disease that tends to have recurrent exacerbations (i.e. asthma, sickle cell disease). The patient was treated appropriately during the initial ED visit, with resolution of symptoms, but later returned with a second exacerbation of the disease


The patient was treated appropriately during the initial ED visit but returned to the ED because of a complication of the disease or unpredictable side effect of treatment (e.g. allergic drug reaction)

 Progression of disease

The medical records reveal that the patient was treated appropriately at the initial visit and that admission was not indicated. Appropriate follow-up was arranged, but the patient's disease or problem got worse, and he/she returned to the ED as instructed

 Ancillary diagnostics performed, no change in diagnosis

The patient presented with the same or similar problem, ancillary diagnostics were performed but there was no change in the initial diagnosis or treatment