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Table 3 Overview of the answers on the theory/case mix questions

From: Dutch senior medical students and disaster medicine: a national survey

Q1/ Chain collision, possible cotaminated patients:

 Isolate in distal corner

5 %

 In waiting room

49 %

 In garage

1 %

Wait separately outside

45 %

 No action, hide

0 %

Q2/ Iodine tablets protect against:

 External radiation

28 %

Internal radiation

15 %

 Both external and internal

24 %

 No radiation protection

20 %

 Don’t know

13 %

Q3/Tthe CGV means:

 Operational leader of overall disaster management

26 %

 Controlling arriving ambulances

4 %

 Field hospital supplies

2 %

Deciding which patients go where

14 %

 Don’t know

55 %

Q4/ Postman with necrotic lesions:


10 %

 New chemical product

22 %

Possible anthrax

47 %

 Use of new kind of black ink

1 %

 Don’t know

20 %

Q5/ Chemical decontamination:

 Oral antidote

5 %

 Antidote body smear

3 %

 Antidote spray special miltary cabin

57 %

Wash with water and soap

15 %

 Don’t know

20 %

Q6/ What limits radiation damage the most?

 Protective clothing

3 %

 Fast decontamination

1 %

 Oral iodine tablets

41 %

Limit time of exposure, increase distance and shielding

54 %

 Don’t know

1 %

Q7/ 2 most important objects to take along in evacuation:


57 %


2 %

ID/health insurance cards

46 %


1 %

 Sixpack of beer

4 %

Normally used medication

79 %

 Photo of loved one

1 %

 None of the above

6 %

 Don’t know

0 %

Q8/ Superficial cuts and first degree burns, go to

 Nearest hospital

47 %

 Closest hospital with burn unit

5 %

 Home (recover and sleep)

6 %

Hospital ED further away

41 %

 Don’t know

1 %

Q9/ First step in nuclear decontamination

 Shower patient

8 %

 Administer iodine tablets

53 %

Take off clothes and shoes

23 %

 Put on lead apron

4 %

 Don’t know

12 %

Q10/ Traffic accident with 2 trucks and 2 victims, what to do?

 Stop, call 112 and help lying victim

40 %

 Stop, call 112 and help limping victim

2 %

Stop at safe distance and wait for clearance fire brigade

54 %

 Drive by and call 112 at hospital

4 %

 Do as if nothing happened

0 %

  1. The correct answers are given in bold. The “don’t know” option was added to eliminate wild guess bias