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Table 3 Hypertension care among those with a previous diagnosis of hypertension

From: Elevated blood pressure and illness beliefs: a cross-sectional study of emergency department patients in Jamaica


Normal SBP

N = 56 (38.6)

Elevated SBP n (%)

89 (61.4)

p value

Time since HTN diagnosis, years (SD)

14.7 (11.2)

13.2 (12.0)


Prescribed home BP medications, n (%)a

55 (37.3)

90 (62.7)


BP medication adherence, n (%)




12 (21.4)

16 (17.5)



42 (77.0)

74 (82.5)


Location of HTN care, n (%)



 Health center

9 (16.2)

10 (11.6)


 Private doctor

35 (64.5)

50 (56.0)


 Hospital clinic

5 (9.26)

17 (19.1)



10 (18.5)

13 (14.8)

  1. SBP systolic blood pressure, HTN hypertension, SD standard deviation, ED emergency department
  2. aAll patients reported home anti-hypertensive prescription