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Table 4 Comparative analysis of the study population based on severity (ANOVA, p< 0.0001 for all variables)

From: Prevalence of hepatopancreatic injury and clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19 in USA


Mild/moderate patients (N = 6484)

Severe patients (N = 25,849)

Critical patients (N = 13,027)

ALT (mean, standard deviation)

49.98, 53.77

57.12, 67.01

81.67, 99.55

AST (mean, standard deviation)

49.76, 51.32

59.69, 62.58

96.65, 106.8

AlkP (mean, standard deviation)

92.9, 45.88

97.45, 50.19

116.3, 64.19

Total bilirubin (mean, standard deviation)

0.6235, 0.414

0.7002, 0.4667

0.9219, 0.6702

Albumin (mean, standard deviation)

3.15, 0.69

2.94, 0.66

2.41, 0.66

PT (mean, standard deviation)

12.94, 3.99

13.45, 4.78

14.54, 6.06

Lipase (mean, standard deviation)

145.07, 165.63

183.45, 254.55

217.47, 329.47

LDH (mean, standard deviation)

353.57, 201.65

365.77, 196.79

529.81, 286.05

Mortality (N)

309 (4.77%)

1720 (6.65%)

4575 (35.12%)

Length of stay (days)

2.84, 4.45

6.76, 6.64

13.68, 11.71

  1. ALT alanine transaminase, AST aspartate transaminase, AlkP alkaline phosphatase, PT prothrombin time, LDH lactate dehydrogenase