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Table 1 Patients’ characteristics and univariate associations with favorable neurological outcome

From: Predictors of neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: sex-based analysis: do males derive greater benefit from hypothermia management than females?

Study variable

N = 22,416

Favorable neurological outcome

P value

EMS arrival interval (min)

Median = 5.5 (4.2–6.9)

rpb = 0.05a

< 0.01

Age (years)

Median = 69 (57–81)

rpb = 0.13b

< 0.01



8109 (36.2%)

395 (4.9%)

< 0.001


14,307 (63.8%)

1234 (8.6%)


Location of arrest


19,167 (85.5%)

946 (4.9%)

< 0.001


3249 (14.5%)

683 (21.0%)


Bystander witnessed


12,845 (57.3%)

325 (2.5%)

< 0.001


9571 (42.7%)

1304 (13.6%)


Bystander CPR


12,013 (53.6%)

568 (4.7%)

< 0.001


10,403 (46.4%)

1061 (10.2%)


Initial rhythm


17,229 (76.9%)

328 (1.9%)

< 0.001


5187 (23.1%)

1301 (25.1%)


Chest compression rate per min


3599 (16.1%)

196 (5.4%)



17,705 (78.9%)

1370 (7.7%)

< 0.001

 > 120

1112 (5.0%)

63 (5.7%)


Advanced airway


4958 (22.1%)

597 (36.6%)

< 0.001


17,458 (77.9%)

1032 (5.9%)


Admin of Epinephrine


3950 (17.6%)

899 (22.8%)

< 0.001


18,466 (82.4%)

730 (4.0%)


Hypothermia management


18,906 (84.3%)

629 (3.3%)

< 0.001


3510 (15.7%)

1000 (28.5%)

  1. a,bPoint biserial correlation coefficient