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Table 6 Supervision and consultation

From: Three-year emergency medicine training program in The Netherlands: first evaluation from the residents’ perspective


No (%)

Yes (%)

Consultations when emergency physician was not available

Consultation with emergency medicine resident

56 (56.0)

44 (44.0)

Consultation with other resident other specialty

30 (29.4)

72 (70.6)

Consultation with a medical specialist other specialty

19 (18.6)

83 (81.4)

Consultations when emergency physician was available

Consultation with emergency medicine resident

88 (86.3)

14 (13.7)

Consultation with other resident other specialty

72 (70.6)

30 (29.4)

Consultation with a medical specialist other specialty

37 (36.3)

65 (63.7)

Consultation with emergency physician

5 (4.9)

97 (95.1)