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Table 4 Feedback and actions for transceiver system improvement

From: Improving safety and communication for healthcare providers caring for SARS-COV-2 patients



Resultant actions

Baseline period

Bulky headsets; casing not robust

Changed casing–decreased size of the headset

Foam ear covers (infection control)

Eliminated foam ear covers

Staff educated on device cleaning

Large ambient noise

Noise cancellation optimization

Add an extra speaker in the room

Adding a speaker was not found to be effective

Long wire connecting the headset

Removed wire and mounted device on the headset


Battery life short for long resuscitations

Improved battery life to 2 h

Staff educated on device docking and recharging

Static noted

Adjusted settings to decrease static and ambient noise

Improve storage and accessibility

New storage units placed beside accessible areas in the ED


Not enough headsets per room for workflow

Increased the number of headsets per room to 6 headsets

Casing handling issue

Casing upgraded for more robust materials


Multiple people talking at once

Working towards possible 1 ear headset

Working towards simulation exercises integrating headsets and new communication patterns