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Table 2 Paraclinical tests differences between TC and AMI

From: Diagnostic challenges between takotsubo cardiomyopathy and acute myocardial infarction—where is the emergency?: a literature review




1.Laboratory tests

 Cardiac biomarkers

  Troponin T/I

Mildly/moderately increased

Markedly increased

  BNP, NT-proBNP

Markedly increased

Mildly increased

 Inflammatory markers







  Serum catecholamines





-ST-segment elevation > 1 mm in precordial leads without reciprocal ST-segment depression in inferior leads

-ST-segment depression—less frequent

-ST-segment elevation in at least 2 contiguous leads with reciprocal ST-depression in inferior leads

-ST-segment depression (horizontal/down-slope) > 0.5 mm in 2 contiguous leads

 T wave

T wave inversion in the anterior leads

T wave inversion in 2 contiguous leads with R > S

 Q wave

Without Q waves


 QT segment




Monomorphic/polymorphic ventricular tachycardia

Ventricular fibrillation

Torsade’s de points

Monomorphic/polymorphic ventricular tachycardia

Ventricular fibrillation

Torsade’s de points

 Atrioventricular block

May be present

May be present

 Bundle branch block


Left/right bundle branch block may be present


 LV systolic function

Acute phase: Temporary reduced

Long-term: complete recovery

Acute phase: Reduced

Long-term: complete/partial recovery or persistent LV dysfunction

 LV wall motion abnormalities

RWMA not limited to an epicardial coronary artery territory

LV apical ballooning pattern

Mid-ventricular pattern ballooning ± SAM—uncommon

Basal ballooning pattern—uncommon

Focal pattern

RWMA limited to an epicardial coronary artery territory


LV thrombus

Mitral regurgitation

LV free wall rupture

Apical aneurysm

LV thrombus

Mitral regurgitation

LV free wall rupture

6. CMR


Acute phase: transmural myocardial edema

Subacute phase: fine remaining RWMA

Myocardial edema



Acute phase: transmural areas of LGE uptake at the hinge between akinetic/dyskinetic ballooning segments and hypercontractile segment, but no persistent LGE on long-term

Focal subendocardial/transmural LGE uptake


LV thrombi

LV thrombi

7. Coronary computed tomography angiography


Normal epicardial coronary arteries/non-obstructive CAD

Obstructive CAD

8. Coronary angiography

 Coronary angiography

Normal epicardial coronary arteries

Non-obstructive CAD (stenosis < 50%)

Obstructive CAD (stenosis ≥ 50%)



LV mid- and apical segments akinesis and hypercontractility of the basal segments

 Invasive hemodynamics

LVOTO (20% of patients)

Increased LVEDP

Increased LVEDP

  1. AMI Acute myocardial infarction, BNP Brain natriuretic peptide, CAD Coronary artery disease, CMR Cardiac magnetic resonance, CRP C-reactive protein, EGE Early gadolinium enhancement, LGE Late gadolinium enhancement, LVEDP Left ventricle end-diastolic pressure, LVEF Left ventricle ejection fraction, MINOCA Myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries, NT-proBNP N-terminal pro-BNP, RWMA Regional wall motion abnormality, SAM Systolic anterior motion, TC Takotsubo cardiomyopathy