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Table 3 System Usability Scale (SUS) scores

From: Randomized controlled open-label trial to evaluate prioritization software for the secondary triage of patients in the pediatric emergency department



SUS score Median [IQR]

Occupation, n (%)

Receptionist, n (%)

Nurse assistant, n (%)

Nurse, n (%)

Medical student, n (%)

Junior physician, n (%)

Senior physician, n (%)

70 (58)

1 (1.4)

7 (10.0)

8 (11.4)

14 (20.0)

20 (28.6)

20 (28.6)


60 [60–60]

55 [48–80]

78.5 [64–81]

75 [65–88]

70 [65–79]

58 [35–65]

Age in years, median [IQR]

28 [25–32]


Seniority in months, median [IQR]

24 [6–72]


Questionnaire medium used, n (%)

Internet questionnaire

Paper-based questionnaire

65 (92.9)

5 (7.1)

65 [55-77.5]

80 [80–80]

  1. IQR: Interquartile Range